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Margaret HOGG
Born: 1873
Died: 1951-12-27 (aged 78 years)
Buried: Wanganui New Zealand
= Married  =
on: 1894-01-24
at: Masterton, New Zealand
John Cyril WELLER
Father: Richard WELLER
Mother: Elizabeth BOTHAM
Born: 1868-05-17
Died: 1945-06-04 (aged 77 years)
Buried: Died: Wanganui, Aramoho, New Zealand. Buried: Wanganui, New Zealand.
Children:   |
John Richard
Born: 1895
Died: 1952-01-25
William David
Born: 1896-08-18
Died: 1968-12-09
Percy George
Born: 1899
Died: 1971-10-24
Born: 1901-09-03
Died: 1987-07-16
Phyllis Amy
Born: 1904
Died: 1959-08-21
Born: 1911
Charlie Douglas
Born: 1913-10-13
Died: 2005-07-05
Evelyn Jessie
Born: 1913-10-13
Died: 1914

Further information for Margaret HOGG.


Margaret Hogg was the daughter of William Hogg and granddaughter of Jessie CATHRO and the Reverend David Hogg, who was the first Presbytarian Minister in Wanganui from 1853 to 1866. Further back, she is descended from the Gordon Clan.

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