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Father: William Bancroft WELLER
Mother: Hyacinth Jocelyn LEVY

Further information for Delano WELLER.

Birth place: USA
Domiciles: Jamaica. Texas.


[Source: Janet Davis, Carolyn Weller]

I have been unable to locate any records for Delano. Family tell me that he was born in the USA, probably between 1922 and 1935. He returned to Jamaica with his family in the early 1930's.


[Source: Pamela (Levy) Reynolds]

last known residence was in Texas (probably Houston or Galvaston, was married to Joy Ilner, Delano was brother to Clav, Milton,Hal, and Jean (died as a child.  Clav is deceased and was married to Ruby Tapper, - 3 children: Gordon, Carolyn and Stewart, and resided in England for many years. Delano was a straight A student at Jamaica College. The top high school for boys  in Jamaica. His mother was my aunt on my father's side. Her maiden name was Levy, and probably born in Black River, Jamaica, where my father was born.


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