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Jessie Edith SNELL
Born: 1882
Died: 1968-11-23 (aged 86 years)
Buried: Finchampstead, England.
= Married  =
on: 1913-09-02
Richard Dudley WELLER
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Edith Emma AYLWARD
Born: 1883-01-12
Died: 1965-04-21 (aged 82 years)
Buried: Finchampstead, England.
Children:   |
Edward David
Born: 1914-12-06
Died: 1917-01-11
William Richard
Born: 1916-11-03
Died: 1938-10-20
John Eric
Born: 1918-06-24
Died: 2005-01-07
Joan Mary
Born: 1922-10-04
Died: 2007-05-03

Further information for Jessie Edith SNELL.

Birth place: Nottingham
Domiciles: Selston, Finchampstead


[From: Christine Brunsden]

Jessie Edith SNELL was the daughter of Enoch SNELL and Frances BOOBBYER.

Enoch was born in 1847 Callington Cornwall. He was a doctor.

Picture of Frances BOOBBYER.

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