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Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Mary BAND
Born: 1871-10-01
Died: 1872-12-27 (aged 1 years)
Buried: Kangaroo Ground. Victoria, Australia.

Further information for Rhoda WELLER.

Birth place: Kangaroo Ground. Victoria, Australia.


Rhoda Weller: born 1st Oct 1871 at Kangaroo Ground. Vic B.D.M reg no. 3158
Rhoda`s birth was registered by her father Edward Weller on the 15th Jan 1872. She was born at Kangaroo Ground.
On the certificate Edward states that he was born at High Wickham Buckinghamshire, England.

Rhoda died on the property of her parents, accidentally drowning in the dam at the back of the store on 27th of December 1872. Inquest into Rhoda

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