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Born: 1883
Died: 1963 (aged 80 years)
Buried: Parkdale, Victoria, Australia
= Married  =
on: 1907
at: Victoria, Australia
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Mary BAND
Born: 1864-07-17
Died: 1929-10-28 (aged 65 years)
Buried: Kangaroo Ground Cemetery
Children:   |
Elvira Mary Jean
Born: 1908
Died: 1949-02-22
Leslie Crichton
Born: 1911
Died: 1968-10-12

Further information for Minnie CRICHTON.


Minnie was the daughter of Alexander CRICHTON and Mary Ann, nee BUNKER

Victorian State Electoral Roll 1906
1084 Weller Minnie Kangaroo Ground (female) Home Duties

Minnie died at Parkdale in 1963 Victorian BDM reg No.13530. She was aged 80 years.

Yarra Glen Cemetery
Minnie Weller buried on 10 Jul. 1963 age 80

Also Minnie WELLER mother of Jean & Leslie died 7th July 1963 Aged 80 years.

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