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Michael John CALNIN
Died: 1921
Buried: Melbourne General Cemetery, Victoria, Australia.
= Married  =
on: 1887-11-22
at: Kangaroo Ground, Victoria, Australia
Elizabeth WELLER
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Mary BAND
Born: 1867-12-03
Died: 1956-03-15 (aged 88 years)
Buried: Melbourne General Cemetery

Further information for Michael John CALNIN.

Birth place: Templestowe


Michael was the son of Michael Calnin and Margaret Sheahan.
Michael was buried on the 27th June 1921 at Melbourne General Cemetery in a marked grave. He shares grave Prebyterian Q 159 with his wife Elizabeth Calnin nee Weller, 3 year old daughter Mary Calnin and granddaughter Eliza May Calnin aged 2.
The name Calnin is clearly shown on the grave.

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