The WELLER family tree

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Select a person from the list below to see their ancestors;
NameDate of birthBirth place DomicilesProfessionDiedBuried
Richard Weller
Thomas Wheler Bap:1545-10-26
William Weller 1585-10-10 1648
Wyllyam Weller 1612-09-10 Warborough
John Weller 1640-04-28 1728
Thomas Weller 1689-02-24 Roke Thatcher 1753
William Weller Bap:1727-11-05 NewingtonHigh Wycombe & Amersham Maltster in High Wycombe. Foun 1802-03-31St Mary`s, Amersham, England.
William Weller 1763 Amersham Brewer. 1843-05-02St. Mary`s, Amersham, England.
William Weller 1797 Amersham Navy midshipman. Brewer. 1859-09-08St. Mary''s, Amersham, England.
Edward Weller 1843-08-08 Blackwell Hall, Amersham, Buck Brewer & Farmer. 1890-06-10Brighton. Died of pneumonia.
Arthur Julius Weller 1884-08-17 Blackwell Hall BuckinghamshireOxford. Shewsbury. The Malay P Assistant school master. Direc 1922-10-04Malay Peninsular
Alec Wadsworth Weller 1919-02-04 1921-12-08Died in Kuala Lumpur

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