The WELLER family tree

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Select a person from the list below to see their ancestors;
NameDate of birthBirth place DomicilesProfessionDiedBuried
Richard Weller
Thomas Wheler Bap:1545-10-26
William Weller 1585-10-10 1648
Wyllyam Weller 1612-09-10 Warborough
John Weller 1640-04-28 1728
Thomas Weller 1689-02-24 Roke Thatcher 1753
John Weller Bap:1715-05-11 The Chequers, Berrick Prior Thatcher, Victualler (1763-91) 1791
Jonathan Weller 1761-04-25
Thomas Weller 1804 Roke Farm 1881-01-01Stone at Berrick Salome churchyard.
Jonathan Weller 1842-06-20 Roke farm, Roke, Oxfordshire, Berrick Salome, Oxfordshire, E 1888-04-30

Published by Malcolm Weller | Forum