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About the Brewery, by Reginald Mason.

Amersham, Buckinghamshire, England.

Amersham, Buckinghamshire, 1895-1970

"The large brewery where perfume is now manufactured was the largest employer of labour in Amersham. The courtyard was always full of empty hogsheads (54 gallons), barrels (36 galls), firkins (9 galls), kilderkins (18 galls) and casks of all sizes awaiting the cleansing process. Men working here, like the bottlers, wore iron shod clogs; they did not trouble to change when going home.

When coming to work in the early morning their metallic clatter on the cobbles told the time to late sleepers. The dray yard was opposite across Church Street. The horses were kept there also within the high and well built malt house in the Barn meadow. There is a water wheel to supply power at the Maltings and at the brewery when the Misbourne had enough water in it.

The brewery horses were the finest and heaviest that money could buy for they had pulled heavy loads long distances like to Quainton, Markyate, and the Thames side houses. There was also the long haul almost due west to the Royal Oak at Wattlington. The draymen wore woollen tasselled hats like the maltsters. The coopers shop was over the river nearest the road and the office on the left of the entrance. This large business empire was established in 1771

Published by Malcolm Weller | Forum