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John Allan Claude (Jac) WELLER
Father: Allan Claude WELLER
Born: 1913
Died: 1995 (aged 82 years)
Buried: Princeton
= Married  =

Further information for John Allan Claude WELLER.

Profession: Teacher, Author, Military Historian, Curator
Domiciles: Princeton, New Jersey


John Allen Claude (1913-199?), who later changed his name to Jac Weller and wrote many books. (See list in Amazon)

Known as JAC. Wrote `Waterloo` a standard textbook about the battle.

His letter-heading in 1980s stated: `Honorary Curator, West Point Museum. Honorary Curator Warminster Museum. Graduate and Licensed Engineer. Court Qualified Expert Witness. Military Historian and Farmer. Federal Firearms License ....`

He married Cornelia ....

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