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Frederic Aylward WELLER
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Edith Emma AYLWARD
Born: 1873-09-22
Died: 1926-03-28 (aged 52 years)
= Married  =

Further information for Frederic Aylward WELLER.

Birth place: Amersham
Domiciles: Canada, Texas, California.


Born September 22 1873 At school (1) Preparatory at Brighton. Crewkerne Grammar School. On leaving school (about 1891) he was for a short time an assistant school master. Then followed a period at Edinburgh University reading medicine. Making little of this he decided to "go out west". In 1894 he and Morton went to farm in Canada. They began with work for an emigrant from Chesham. After a year or two Fred went to Texas. There he purchased land. On two occasions he came to England for brief visits. He married Minnie Fordyce - an American. There were no children. His last few years were spent in California where he tried his hand at fruit farming and died in 1926 at the age of 52. N.B. According to Frank the wife

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