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Born: 1892-04-17
Died: 1952-04-02 (aged 59 years)
Buried: After the funeral service at Gedling she was interred at Upper Broughton.
= Married  =
on: 1924-01-03
at: Longstone, Derbyshire.
Christopher Harold WELLER
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Edith Emma AYLWARD
Born: 1879-04-18
Died: 1960-03-08 (aged 80 years)
Children:   |
John Christopher
Born: 1925-03-31
Died: 2008-10-08
J A.
Born: 19xx
Mary Parlane
Born: 1927-12-10
Died: 1988-02-24
R M.
Born: 19xx
Richard Morton
Born: 1933-10-17
Died: 2012-12-31

Further information for Margaret GOLDSCHMIDT.

Birth place: Manchester
Domiciles: Gt. Longstone & Nottingham


Margaret died on March 2nd 1954 aged 61, surrounded by her much loved family.

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