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Cyril Haddon WELLER
Father: Stephen WELLER
Mother: Emma Jane ADAMS
Born: 1907
Died: 1998 (aged 91 years)
= Married  =
on: 1928
Winifred BROWNE
Children:   |
J W.
Born: 19xx
M D H.
Born: 19xx
Malcolm Gordon Barri
Born: 1944
Died: 1980

Further information for Cyril Haddon WELLER.


Arthur&Cylil&Mourice@~1907.jpg (12174 bytes)
Arthur, Cyril and Maurice. Taken 1907-8.

SiblingsOfStephen&EmmaWeller@1918.jpg (10028 bytes)
Arthur, Maurice
Joyce, EmmaJane (Mother), Cyril
At Whittlington Moor, 1918

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