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Maurice Barrie WELLER
Father: Maurice Adams WELLER
Mother: Alice Evelyn Sybil LEE
Born: 1929-05-21
Died: 2020-03-27 (aged 90 years)
= Married  =
on: 1955-08-01
at: St. Mark's church in the parish of Biggin Hill in the county of Kent.
Sylvia Patricia TAYLOR
Father: Henry Leonard TAYLOR
Mother: Maud Emily SALLOWS
Born: 1935-10-27
Died: 2011-10-03 (aged 75 years)
Buried: Herongate Woodland Cemetery, Billericay Road, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3SE. Plot: HGW H9 d5.
Children:   |
Michael Guy
Born: 1958-03-29
Died: 1958-03-30
A G.
Born: 19xx
M D.
Born: 19xx

Further information for Maurice Barrie WELLER.

Birth place: Weisbaden, Prussia (Germany).
Profession: Aeronaitical and instrumentation engineer. Teacher (engineering).
Domiciles: Chesterfield. Ceylon. Cirencester. Biggin Hill, Sussex. New Southgate, London. East Grinstead.

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