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Father: Charles William SCHULTZE
Mother: Annie Meek WELLER
= Married  =
on: 1873-06-04
at: St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wellington, New Zealand
Father: Robert JOHNSTON
Mother: Frances WELLER
Born: 1845
Died: 1926-03-25 (aged 81 years)
Buried: Manly, Sydney, Australia.

Further information for Ellen Mary SCHULTZE.

Domiciles: Wellington, New Zealand


[From: Tina Westerlund]

I have the Marriage cert for Ellen Mary Schultze and Percival Johnston but it is only good for the dates as it gives no names of either persons parents. They married 4 jun 1873 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wellington, NZ. They did name their son Percival Charles William Johnston which is a give away and Douglas Hope Johnston talks about the family home in Wellington in his papers. He has a file at the Mitchell Library, Sydney and I have some nice photos of Ellen Mary and Percival. I have Percival's death certificate 25 th March 1926 in Manly. His death certifcate states his 3 children living with none deceased but I have seen the grave of his fourth child born and died in Wellington and read in a newspaper the clipping of a son born in Goulburn to them, they had a property out there. No name was given for him and I have not been able to locate a death date for Ellen Mary.

Ellen Mary lived in England, her husband stayed mainly in NSW, Australia, not sure if they were estranged as she was sort of excluded from his will. She was buried in England, there was a "niece" living with her who attended her funeral that I can't place, she lived with Ellen her whole life, off the top of my head I think they did a stint in the Channel Islands.

Ellen was quite social in England and set up an expat type club for Aussies and Kiwi's in London.

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