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William WELLER
Father: William WELLER
Mother: Sarah LACEY
Born: 1797
Died: 1859-09-08 (aged 62 years)
Buried: St. Mary''s, Amersham, England.
= Married  =
on: 1839-05-07
at: Amersham
Father: George HOLLOWAY
Born: 1817
Died: 1897-11-09 (aged 80 years)
Buried: St. Mary's, Amersham, England.
Children:   |
Born: 1840
Died: 1908-01-09
Born: 1841
Died: 1908-08-25
Born: 1843-08-08
Died: 1890-06-10
Born: 1844
Died: 1929-10-23
Born: 1846
Died: 1871-05-17
Born: 1847
Died: 1860-02-12
Born: 1849
Died: 1891
Born: 1851
Died: 1893-04-01
Born: 1851
Died: 1928-06-18
Born: 1853
Baptised: 1853-06-15
Died: 1933-10-16
Born: 1855-05-11
Died: 1929-03-01

Further information for William WELLER.

Profession: Navy midshipman. Brewer.
Domiciles: Amersham


    William Weller

William Weller BFC (Bare Fist Champion)

[From: JAC Weller]

"My father lived in Amersham for more than six years beginning in 1893. His grandfather; William Weller 1797 (Bare Fisted Champion) was still very much a subject of conversation in the little town when he was a boy.

Daddy's grandfather who entered the Navy as a midshipman about 1810 was bare fisted champion of the Channel Fleet sometime between Waterloo and his leaving the service about 1820. The Channel Fleet would not have been as big in the years after Waterloo as it was before that battle, but it's probable that the fleet did not shrink into insignificance for several years. The things that I have heard of William BFC would indicate a man of slightly more than six feet tall carrying in his best physical condition perhaps 15 or 16 stone (210 - 224 pounds). He only lived to be 62. Daddy said that in later life he put on "quite a bit of weight". This did not hamper him however in his weekly sparring sessions with the blacksmith. There were stories of his physical prowess into middle life, some believable and some not."

[Extract of the will of William WELLER of Amersham, Brewer, Maltster and Farmer, 31 May 1859. From R.M.Weller]
“First I direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses other than and except the debt to the Executors of my late partner Mr Edward Weller secured to him by way of mortgage upon certain parts of my Brewery property which is to be paid by the persons entitled to my residue..... My son Henry... And it is my will and I direct the trustees for the time being of this my will to stand possessed of the sum of One Thousand pounds apiece and the several annual sums of forty pounds and forty pounds apiece for my several sons Charles John James and Frederic and every other son of mine to be born ...My real and personal Estate and Effects in trust for my three sons William Edward and George ... It is my will and desire that my trustees shall carry on and prosecute my said trades and businesses of Brewer Maltster and Farmer as fully and effectually to all instants and purposes as the said trades and businesses are now carried on by me until the youngest of my three sons William Edward and George shall attain his age of twenty one years ... I do appoint my son William Weller and the said Benjamin Arthur Brickwell to be Executors and Trustees of my said Will ... and also Guardians of my said children during their respective minorities ...”

In the cemetery of St. Mary`s, Amersham, England, there is a table tomb with the inscriptions;

Sacred to the memory of
William WELLER who died September 8th 1859 aged 62 years;

also of his widow Lydia who died November 9th 1897 aged 79 years;

also of William Weller, eldest son of the above, who departed January 9th 1908 aged 67 years.

Also the Revd. James Weller who died June 18th 1928 aged 76 years.

Mary died May 17 1871 age 25.
Lydia, died 25th August 1908 aged 66 years.
Henry died 12th February 1860 aged 12 years.

For related information about this person see: The Weller brewery (1783-1929), The Weller brewery (1834-1909),
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