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Thomas ADAMS
Father: James ADAMS
Mother: Elizabeth JOHNSON
Born: 1813
Baptised: 1813-06-01
Died: 1882-05-13 (aged 69 years)
= Married  =
on: 1836-01-07
at: West Haddon
Died: 1841-04-28
Buried: 1841-05-01 00:00:00
= Married (2) =
on: 1844-12-21
at: West Haddon
Died: 1852-10-31
= Married (3) =
on: 1870-06-12
Died: 1903-09-28
Buried: 1903-09-28 00:00:00
Children:   |
Born: 1836-10-16
Died: 1843-04-28
Born: 1840-07-28
Mary Ann
Born: 1846-09-05
Died: 1862-10-23
Thomas, Hiatt
Born: 1848-12-15
Died: 1849-02-18
Born: 1849-12-09
Died: 1919-01-13

Further information for Thomas ADAMS.

Birth place: West Haddon
Profession: Builder


[From: Richard Morton Weller]

In the 1841 census (in which relationships were not recorded) the household of James ADAMS aged 57 contained Thomas 28, James 25, Ann 23 and Priscilla 10 months (Thomas' daughter). Thomas's wife Emma seems to have been elsewhere on census night. From subsequent censuses it is clear that baby Priscilla was Thomas's daughter, not his sister, and so she is the same one who was aged 10 in the 1851 census. It now occurs to me that there is a gap of seven years between Priscilla's birth and her sister Mary Ann, which might indicate that Emma was not Priscilla's mother. If her mother had died in childbirth it would explain why she didn't appear in the 1841 census 10 months later, and Emma would be Thomas's second wife. I note from FreeBMD that a Thomas ADAMS married in the Daventry Reg Dist. in the 4th quarter of 1844, which might be him, but it would require sight of the marriage certificate to see if the bride was called Emma, and of Priscilla's birth registration to discover her mother's name.

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