The WELLER family tree

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Father: William WELLER
Mother: Lydia HOLLOWAY
Born: 1844
Died: 1929-10-23 (aged 85 years)
Buried: St. Mary's, Amersham, England.
= Married  =
on: 1817
Blanche Heath MASTERMAN
Born: 1849
Died: 1921-12-08 (aged 72 years)
Buried: St. Mary ` s, Amersham, England.
Children:   |
Gladys Heath
Born: 1872
Gerard Masterman Heath
Born: 1873
Died: 1946-12-13
Carlen Lacey
Born: 1875
Died: 1965

Further information for George WELLER.

Profession: Brewer.


[Alister Rayner] George Weller in his younger days 'was seeing' Jessie Rosa Masterman (nee Heath), who was reputed to be a belle of her time. However, he then ran off with and married her daughter, Blanche, who was also very beautiful (I can send you a photo of her wedding portrait). Their daughter Gladys married into the Fawcetts who took over the Plantation. [Alister Rayner]


Almost illegible is the Gravestone inscription of
Blanche Heath Weller who died 8th. December 1921 age 72, and her husband George Weller who died 23rd. October 1929 age 84.
For related information about this person see: The Weller brewery (1783-1929), The Weller brewery (1890-1930),
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