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Father: Hugh SMITH
Died: 1804-07-28
Buried: Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.
= Married  =
on: 1759
at: Hemel Hempstead
Died: 1783
Children:   |
Died: 1827

Further information for Lydia SMITH.


[Alister Rayner]

On the 28th July 1804, "At Hemel Hempstead, Herts, advanced in years, Mrs Lydia Holloway, daughter of the Late Dr. Hugh Smith, of that place, and sister of the late physician and alderman of that name in London [, died]."

Lydia bequeathed the whole brewing operation to George. Although the Half Moon had been given to his aunt and uncle, they either bequeathed it to him, or he'd bought it from them, prior to his death 1827. It should be noted that George named his nephew executor in his will, another Hugh Smith, the son of his sister Sarah, who had married a George Smith, Distiller of Aldersgate Street. This Hugh was charged with looking after the Brewery on behalf of George's three illegitimate children Lydia (later Weller), George (Rev.) and Sarah (later Statham). Based on the auction article, they must have collectively decided to sell up the estate in Two Waters immediately, and hence all three children, now fairly well off, were able to decamp to Amersham in 1827, the eldest, Sarah marrying Charles Statham in 1828.

Published by Malcolm Weller | Feedback | Forum