The WELLER family tree

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Frances (Fanny) WELLER
Father: Joseph WELLER
Mother: Mary BROOKS
Born: 1811-12-23
Died: 1896-06-23 (aged 84 years)
Buried: Sydney
= Married  =
on: 1831-07-30
Lieut. Robert JOHNSTON
Father: George JOHNSTON
Born: 1792-03-09
Died: 1882 (aged 89 years)
Children:   |
George Horatio
Born: 1833
Died: 1904-12-20
Robert Percy
Born: 1836
Died: 1896-10-26
Born: 1838
Died: 1884-03-03
Born: 1839
Died: 1913-01-22
Penelope Brooks
Born: 1842
Died: 1933
Born: 1845
Died: 1926-03-25
Fanny Gordon
Born: 1846
Died: 1909
Bruce David
Born: 1848
Died: 1886-04-15
Edward Charles
Born: 1850-11-28
Died: 1913-01-25

Further information for Frances WELLER.

Birth place: Folkestone, England.
Domiciles: Maitland, NSW, Australia. Cleveland house, Surrey Hills. Annandale House, Petersham.


Fanny kept an album which is now in the archives at Mitchell Library. It contains photos of Cleveland House in Surry Hills, `The Oaks` cottage, Fanny with husband Robert Johnston, and individual photos of a heavily bearded Robert Johnston and Fanny herself, one of Edward when he was much younger than in the oft reproduced portrait, Charles Schultze, and an unidentified one which may possibly be Joseph senior.

Photographs of Fanny Johnston (nee Weller), Mitchell Library reference No. XA571/13 & 14.

For related information about this person see: The Wellers who emigrated to Australia and New Zealand.,
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