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Hana Nani (Anne) WELLER
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Nikuru TAIAROA
Born: 1840-08-01
Died: 1924-02-15 (aged 83 years)
Buried: Otago
= Married  =
on: 1863-08-28
Born: 1839-11-15
Died: 1920-05-16 (aged 80 years)
Buried: Otago
Children:   |
Teone Matapura
Born: 1864-06-04
Died: 1949-04-27
Born: 1866
Died: 1904-10-02
Daniel Taheke
Born: 1869-10-13
Died: 1940-02-24
Hine Wharehuia
Born: 1871-09-05
Died: 1909-05-06
Hana Nikuru
Born: 1873-09-05
Died: 1910-08-25
Born: 1875-02-07
Died: 1878-01-05
Born: 1876-10-18
Died: 1898-01-09
Teiwi Herehere Merekihere
Born: 1880-04-17
Died: 1943-02-06
Born: 1883-08-24
Died: 1902-07-06
Edward Pohau
Born: 1884-11-26
Died: 1963-11-09

Further information for Hana Nani WELLER.

Birth place: Otago, New Zealand.


Nani or Anne was the daughter of Edward Weller the whaler and his second wife Nikuru, who died giving birth to Anne.

Edward left New Zealand when Nani was four months old and she was brought up by her Maori relatives. She married Daniel Ellison, (Raniera Erihana in Maori) and they had twelve children, many of whom distinguished themselves in various aspects of New Zealand life.

From Phillip Kerrigan: Hana Nani was a grand daughter of a paramount Maori chief of the Ngai Tahu tribe of the South Island of New Zealand. Some times English versions of the Maori names are used instead, so I have a feeling that Anne is English for Nani.

Peter Armstrong tells me that this lady's name is 'Nani Wera' suggesting that the Maori for Weller is Wera.

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