The WELLER family tree

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John (Jack) WELLER
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Mary BAND
Born: 1866-02-04
Died: 1944-06-24 (aged 78 years)
Buried: Rochester, Victoria
= Married  =
on: 1891-05-06
at: Kangaroo Ground, Victoria Australia
Born: 1868
Died: 1901-10-14 (aged 33 years)
Buried: Kangaroo Ground,Victoria, Australia
= Married (2) =
on: 1904-05-05
at: 101 Gore st, Fitzroy, Australia
Clara Rosamond KIDD
Born: 1882
Died: 1936-03-17 (aged 54 years)
Buried: Rochester, Victoria, Australia
Children:   |
Edward David
Born: 1892
Died: 1892
James John
Born: 1892
Died: 1893
Elizabeth Myrtle
Born: 1894
Elspeth Isabella
Born: 1895
Mary Janet
Born: 1896
Died: 1897
John Alexander
Born: 1897
Died: 1961
Benjamin Johnston
Born: 1900
Died: 1900
Lily Annie
Born: 1901-10-13
Died: 1981
Cora Mildred
Born: 1905
Died: 1970
Born: 1905
Died: 1919
Harold Norman Everard
Born: 1906-07-15
Died: 1970
Mabel Ruth
Born: 1908
Died: 1971
Herbert Clifford Lindsay
Born: 1910
Died: 1936-02-29
Arthur Wilfred Ernest
Born: 1911
Died: 1992-03-08
Kevin Allan William Edward
Born: 1914
Muriel Eveline Maude
Born: 1918
Died: 1957
Mervyn Keith
Born: 1923-04-14
Died: 1988-08-15

Further information for John WELLER.

Birth place: Kangaroo Ground, Vic
Profession: Blacksmith, Farmer
Domiciles: Kangaroo Ground, Korumburra, Lockington, Benalla, Footscray all in Victoria, Australia


John Weller: born 1866 in Kangaroo Ground.
Married Elspeth Johnston in 1891 at Kangaroo Ground
Elspeth was born around 1868. She was the daughter of James Johnston and Elizabeth Sadler. Elspeth died in 14 October 1901; about 2 hours after the birth of their daughter Lily Annie Weller at Kangaroo Ground.

Married Clara Rosamond Kidd of Diamond Creek in 1904. She was the Daughter of William Kidd (born in Larling, Norfolk England.) and Ruth Wilson (born at Diamond Creek to William Wilson of Langley Essex England and Rosamond Godber of Sutton in Ashfield, Nottingham, England). Clara was born at Diamond Creek in 1882 and died in Rochester, Victoria on 17th March 1936.

John died on 24th July 1944 at Williamstown, residence at time of death was Footscray. John`s Will was signed on 22nd July 1939. PRO no. 359/703.
Supplied by R Haines.

When John left Kangaroo Ground he moved to Thomastown Victoria with his wife Clara, his occupation there was Blacksmith. John moved his family to Korumburra, Victoria where he share farmed for a time. It was in 1918 that John, Clara and family moved to Lockington after a doctor advised it would be best for young Ruby to live in the north. She was suffering from Tuberculosis and the warmer climate would be of benefit to her health. Sadly Ruby died in 1919 in spite of her parents efforts.

The grave of John Weller (born 1866), his second wife Clara, and their children Ruby and Cliff. John was a very active person involved with breeding and judging horses and poultry. He had success racing Greyhounds wining the Waterloo Cup. He lived in Sydney and trained dogs for a time. He was also very skill at Waltzing in this field was a champion dancer.

John went to live at 55 Williamstown Rd, Footscray with his daughter Cora Raper and her husband Les. Les was a milk deliveryman in the area; John worked harnessing the horses in the mornings. John became ill after catching chill; he later died in Williamstowns from Pneumonia.

Gordon Weller, the grandson of John and Clara Weller, kindly supplied this information

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