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Born: 1868
Died: 1901-10-14 (aged 33 years)
Buried: Kangaroo Ground,Victoria, Australia
= Married  =
on: 1891-05-06
at: Kangaroo Ground, Victoria Australia
Father: Edward WELLER
Mother: Mary BAND
Born: 1866-02-04
Died: 1944-06-24 (aged 78 years)
Buried: Rochester, Victoria
Children:   |
Edward David
Born: 1892
Died: 1892
James John
Born: 1892
Died: 1893
Elizabeth Myrtle
Born: 1894
Elspeth Isabella
Born: 1895
Mary Janet
Born: 1896
Died: 1897
John Alexander
Born: 1897
Died: 1961
Benjamin Johnston
Born: 1900
Died: 1900
Lily Annie
Born: 1901-10-13
Died: 1981

Further information for Elspeth JOHNSTON.

Domiciles: Kangaroo Ground,Victoria, Australia


Elspeth was born around 1868; she was the daughter of James Johnston and Elizabeth Sadler. John Weller married Elspeth in 1891 at Kangaroo Ground

An inquest was held into the death of Elspeth Weller. In her statement to the Coroner Dorothy Scarce came to the conclusion that Elspeth had died due to Exhaustion from the after effects of Childbirth. Dorothy was a mid wife in the Kangaroo Ground area, which John Weller had gone to fetch when his wife was in labour. John had to ride 1 mile in the dark to get to Dorothy, leaving Elspeth alone. On their return they found that Elspeth had delivered a baby girl (Lily Annie Weller) by herself. Dorothy stated that Elspeth was in good spirits and that she seemed well and in little pain for about 2 hours after the birth. After about 2 hours Elspeth seemed to be in a great amount of pain; Dorothy had informed her she wished to send for the Doctor. Elspeth relied "No don`t send for the Doctor, I will be alright." Then Elspeth seemed in a greater mount of pain, she became weaker and died within 10 minutes. Sadly there had been nothing anyone could have done to help Elspeth.

Elspeth Weller died aged 33 on 14th October 1901 at Kangaroo Ground.  Elsepth was buried at Kangaroo Ground Cemetery on 16th October 1901. Burial number 228

From The Evelyn Observer newspaper Friday 19th October 1901
Weller:- On the 14th inst at her late residence Kangaroo Ground Elisie the beloved wife of John Weller. Aged 33 years.

From The Evelyn Observer newspaper Friday 17th October 1902.
In Memoriam.
Weller:- In Loving memory of my dear with Elsie who died on October 14th 1901.
Gentle in manner patient in pain,
My dear wife left us, Heaven to gain,
So loving and faithful, forgiving and kind,
Hard in this wide world her equal to find.
So loved, So mourned.
Placed in The Evelyn Observer by John Weller

Supplied by Rochelle Haines (Great granddaughter of John Weller).

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