The WELLER family tree

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Born: 1830
Baptised: 1833-09-22
Died: 1919-08-21 (aged 89 years)
Buried: Melbourne General Cemetery, Victoria, Australia
= Married  =
on: 1851
Rebecca WELLER
Father: John WELLER
Mother: Rebecca WHITE
Born: 1830
Died: 1900-12-21 (aged 70 years)
Buried: Kangaroo Ground, Victoria, Australia.
Children:   |
Born: 1853-05-26
Died: 1898-04-03
Born: 1856-03-14
Baptised: 1856
Died: 1934
Born: 1858
Died: 1865-08-09
Born: 1860
Died: 1886-06-08
Keren Happuch Kezia Jemmi Alex
Born: 1864
Died: 1937

Further information for Henry SCARCE.

Birth place: Saxmundham Suffell


Henry was from Suffolk, England.
He was baptised 22nd of September 1833.
After Rebecca Died Henry married Isabella Jardine in 1902. Vic BDM no. 1167
Isabella Scarce died in 1908 aged 75; her parents are listed as John Jardine and Maragaret Armstrong.
Henry Scarce married Emily Hemsworth (daughter of Daniel Lyon and Margaret Ann Webster), 1910. # 5688.
Emily Scarce died in Port Fairy 1920 #7463
Henry and Emily are buried at Melbourne General Cemetery
Henry was buried on the 23rd of August 1919 and Emily was buried on 3rd of April 1920. Henry was 89 when he died on the 21 August 1919 he had been injured while fetching wood from his yard. He stated he had had a dizzy spell and fall. His parents names were Henry Scarce and Mary Self.
There was an inquest into the death of Henry Scarce Reference: 864
Cause: Injury in fall
Inq Date: 29th Sept 1919.
Information supplied by R Haines and E Tetlow

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