The WELLER family tree

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Father: Jonathan WELLER
Mother: Ann
Born: 1804
Died: 1881-01-01 (aged 77 years)
Buried: Stone at Berrick Salome churchyard.
= Married  =
Born: 1800
Died: 1883-07-01 (aged 83 years)
Children:   |
Born: 1831
Born: 1832
Sarah Ann
Born: 1835
Born: 1836
Died: 1861
Born: 1839
Died: 1878
Born: 1842-06-20
Baptised: 1842-12-20
Died: 1888-04-30
Frederick Henry
Born: 1844

Further information for Thomas WELLER.

Domiciles: Roke Farm


Born about 1805

[Peter M. Slocombe]
Roke Farm (Barrick Salome) 406 Acres 21 men, 4 boys.

Thomas was one of the signatories on a notice dated 16th December 1825 on the wall of Lloyds Bank, Wallingford.

"We the undersigned farmers, mealmen, and others usually attending Wallingford market, do hereby express our confidence in the stability of the firm of Wells, Allnatt and Wells, Bankers of Wallingford, and therefore inform the public that we shall continue to take their notes as usual."

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