The WELLER family tree

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Key: 'b'=born, 'bap'=baptised, 'd'=died, '=2='=second marriage. Dates are in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
Samuel ADAMS
b:1849 d:1919
b:1848 d:1899
Sarah Jane GARNER
b:1857 d:1917
9 | children
| |
Emma Jane ADAMS
b:1872 d:1937
Stephen WELLER
b:1844 d:1916
5 | children
| |
Maurice Adams WELLER
b:1904 d:1972
Alice Evelyn Sybil LEE
b:1905 d:1975
4 | children
Arthur Brion WELLER
b:1906 d:1995
Phyllis Kathleen LANGDEN
2 | children
Cyril Haddon WELLER
b:1907 d:1998
Winifred BROWNE
3 | children
b:1908 d:1995
Ralph Oswald WELLER
b:1910 d:2003
Marjorie Lucy BEAMAN
4 | children
Annie Hiatt ADAMS
b:1873 d:1966
Herbert Underwood ADAMS
b:1875 d:1954
Marion Ethel ADAMS
b:1877 d:1924
Frank Edward ADAMS
b:1878 d:1954
Margaret Louise ADAMS
b:1880 d:1881
Ruth Evelyn ADAMS
b:1882 d:1882
Katherine Alice ADAMS
Samuel Victor ADAMS
b:1887 d:1920

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