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Joseph BELL
Born: 1937-03-25
Died: 2019-01-22 (aged 81 years)
= Married  =
on: 1960
Father: Maurice Adams WELLER
Mother: Alice Evelyn Sybil LEE
Born: 19xx
Children:   |
B J.
Born: 19xx
I J M.
Born: 19xx
T M.
Born: 19xx
D C.
Born: 19xx
S L.
Born: 19xx

Further information for Joseph BELL.

Profession: Bricklayer, carpenter.



In loving memory of Joseph Bell who sadly passed away on 22nd January 2019. Joseph, a skilled bricklayer, was very active in the Church refurbishment in Father Jim’s day, installing shelves for the Tabernacle, Light and Statues to stand on, as well as helping with other work.

His main interest however was in woodwork, especially carving and ‘dressing’ wooden swing rocking horses; large, medium and small. Rocking chairs with horses heads, hobby horses down to wooden wheelbarrows, walkers with alphabet and number blocks in the cart, wooden cars, trucks, trains, little wooden snowmen for Christmas ornaments. He made bookcases and bookshelves for the bungalow, fitted wardrobes, you name it. He was happiest with his membership of the Rocking Horse Makers Club and wore his cap with their logo constantly.

When the boys were youngsters he took them to watch the local football team. We lived in Peterborough at that time. Taking the girls and me to away matches - we went shopping and met him at the car later! Even after we moved here to Mansfield then to Forest Town, he still went to the Posh matches: In latter years, the boys took him! His other great interest was in the bagpipes. We both belonged to the Chesterfield Pipers and loved attending fetes and similar events. We marched through Sheffield and especially enjoyed taking part in the Remembrance Day Parade at Warsop. The highlight for us both was marching through Edinburgh in the year 2000. A thousand pipers drawn from all nations, plus drummers and highland dancers!

Just about every card I have received, thank you to all who sent cards, speaks of his quiet gentle nature and great sense of humour. He was a kind and caring husband and father, who became my full time carer for nearly 5 years. I miss him dearly and so do the family, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Dianna Bell.

Joseph was orphaned aged 8 when his parents sadly died in the 1957–1958 influenza pandemic.

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